
A simple application to split FASTQ files.

The algorithm is a reimplementation from biopet-fastqsplitter. Fastqsplitter splits a fastq file over the specified output files evenly. Fastqsplitter will read groups of a 100 fastq files. For example if 3 output files are specified record 1-100 will go to file 1, 101-200 to file 2, 201-300 to file 3 , 301-400 to file 1 again etc. This ensures the output fastq files are of equal size with no positional bias in the output files.

Fastqsplitter is fast because it assumes each record is 4 lines. As a consequence this application does NOT work with multiline fastq sequences. Also input fastq records are NOT checked for being proper fastq records. Since all downstream analysis tools (FastQC, cutadapt, BWA etc.) do check if the input is correct, another input check in fastqsplitter was deemed redundant.

fastqsplitter uses the excellent xopen library by @marcelm. This determines by extension whether the file is compressed and allows for very fast compression and decompression of gzip files.

Fastqsplitter has cythonized the files splitting algorithm which provides a speedup over the pure python implementation, especially when splitting to and from uncompressed fastq files. A python fallback is always available and fastqsplitter will default to it when the cython extension cannot be build or downloaded during the installation.


usage: fastqsplitter [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT [-c COMPRESSION_LEVEL]
                     [-t THREADS_PER_FILE] [--cython | --python]

Named Arguments

-i, --input The fastq file to be scattered.
-o, --output Scatter over these output files. Multiple -o flags can be used. The extensions determine which compression algorithm will be used. ‘.gz’ for gzip, ‘.bz2’ for bzip2, ‘.xz’ for xz. Other extensions will use no compression.
-c, --compression-level

Only applicable when output files have a ‘.gz’ extension. Default=1

Default: 1

-t, --threads-per-file

Set the number of compression threads per output file. NOTE: more threads are only useful when using a compression level > 1. Default=1

Default: 1


Use the cython version of the file splitting algorithm. (default)

Default: True


Use the python version of the file splitting algorithm.

Default: True


Fastqsplitter uses a separate process for reading the input file, doing the splitting as well as one seperate process per output file. Fastqsplitter therefore always uses multiple CPU cores.


With an input file input_fastq.gz of 2.3 GB. fastqsplitter -i input_fastq.gz -o split.1.fq.gz -o split.2.fq.gz -o split.3.fq.gz

Fastqsplitter will read input_fastq.gz. The first 100 reads will go to split.1.fq.gz, read 101-200 will go to split.2.fq.gz, read 201-300 will go to split.3.fq.gz, read 301-400 will go to split.1.fq.gz, etc.

This way the fastq reads are evenly distributed, with a difference of maximum 100 reads between output files, and no positional bias in each output file.

Performance comparisons

Comparing different modes of fastqsplitter and biopet-fastqsplitter. Biopet-fastqsplitter has only one mode: compression level 5, and an unknown number of threads per file.

Fastqsplitter runs with 1 thread per output file and compression level 1 by default. A comparison between default cython mode and python mode is in the table. For fair comparison with biopet-fastqsplitter, fastqsplitter was run with 4 threads per file (xopen default) and compression level 5. Since fastqsplitter starts several pigz and one gzip process the memory usage of these processes are included in the results.

This test case was run with a 2.3 GB input fastq file zipped. This was split over 5 output files.

The used test machine had 32 GB memory (2x16GB 2133mhz), an Intel core i7-6700 (4 cores, 8 threads) and a Sandisk X400 500gb SSD. Operating system: Debian 10.

The following table shows the average over 10 runs.

  • real time = wall clock time
  • user time = total cpu seconds spent by the application (useful to see the resource usage of multithreading)
  • sys time = total cpu seconds spent by the kernel (for IO and other sys calls)
measurement fastqsplitter (defaults) fastqsplitter (python) fastqsplitter -t 4 -c 5 biopet-fastqsplitter
real time 44.787s 45.702s 77.778s 102.300s
user time 162.272s 169.238s 459.051s 509.594s
sys time 9.825s 9.825s 11.078s 8.411s
max mem 24 MB 24 MB 42 MB 665 MB
max vmem 207 MB 207 MB 2.0 GB 11.0 GB
output files total size 2290 MB 2290 MB 2025 MB 2025 MB

The outcomes for the runs were fairly consistent with a +-3 second real time (wall clock) difference between runs.


When splitting a 6.3 Gb uncompressed fastq file into 3 files which are written to /dev/null to eliminate I/O limitations the cython algorithm generates less overhead than the python algorithm.

However in most cases files will be split from compressed to compressed files making the difference much smaller (see table above.)

measurement fastqsplitter (cython) fastqsplitter (python)
real time 6.045s 10.345s
user time 4.907s 9.200s
sys time 1.137s 1.145s



  • Enable pure python fallback so package can be installed on all systems.
  • Updated the documentation to reflect changes in speed because of the upstream improvements and the cythonizing of the algorithm in 1.1.0.
  • Upstream contributions to xopen have made the reading of gzipped fastq files significantly faster. Newer versions of xopen are now added as a requirement.


  • Enable the building of wheels for the project now that Cython extensions are used. Thanks to @marcelm for providing a working build script on

  • Cythonize the splitting algorithm. This reduces the overhead of the application up to 50% over the fastest native python implementation. Overhead is all the allocated cpu time that is not system time.

    This means splitting of uncompressed fastqs will be noticably faster (30% faster was achieved during testing). When splitting compressed fastq files into compressed split fastq files this change will not be much faster since all the gzip process will be run in a separate thread. Still when splitting a 2.3 gb gzipped fastq file into 3 gzipped split fastq files the speedup from the fastest python implementation was 14% in total cpu seconds. (Due to the multithreaded nature of the application wall clock time was reduced by only 3%).


  • Added documentation for fastqsplitter and set up readthedocs page.
  • Added tests for fastqsplitter.
  • Upstream contributions to xopen have improved fastqsplitter speed.
  • Initiated fastqsplitter.